Policies and key documents at Sylvan infant School help us to set out our aims in a variety of areas and the procedures we follow to achieve these.
Below is a selection of policies and documents most commonly shared with parents. If you wish to see any other policies please ask the school office.
The Federation Governing Body are reviewing ALL policies over the next few months . All mandatory policies are staying on the - website until review date - all curriculum policies will be added once reviewed.
If you are looking for a specific policy and cannot find it please contact the school office who will be able to help you with your enquiry.
Behaviour Policy Changes for 2018-19
Charging and Remissions Policy
EAL Induction Programme Policy
Equalities Policy and Objectives
Health and Safety Policy (Hamwic)
Health and Safety Policy (Sylvan Site Specific)
Livingstone Road Primary Federation SEF 2017-18
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
School Improvement Plan 2017/18
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Ready to Learn Policy (including behaviour, bullying and exclusion)
General Statements
Adverse Weather
In cases of adverse weather the school website will be updated and a text message will also be sent out to all parents as soon as a decision has been made regarding closing the school. Heart FM will also report any school closures.
Domestic Abuse
The Federation receives information form the police to alert the DSL within either school when there has been an incident of domestic abuse in a household where a pupil lives. We are not informed of the detail of the incident, only that one has occurred. This allows us to monitor and support the pupil. If we have additional concerns we will discuss the need for further safeguarding actions with Social Care. This information would only be shared with other staff on restricted need to know basis i.e. those who are immediately responsible for the pupil’s welfare such as the class teacher. Where a Multi agency risk assessment conference (MARAC) occurs the school may be asked for information and appropriate school related information may be shared with the school after the meeting.