Home Learning

We believe that at home our young children should be able to play as much as they can because playing and exploring is how children learn best and where they rehearse daily events that have happened.

However we also understand that parents want to get involved with their child’s school learning whenever they can. With this in mind we do send home learning activities for you to do together with your child.

Research based evidence shows that schools who have home learning based activities are successful schools. Effective home learning is associated with greater parental involvement and support, and can be developed to increase parental engagement. Short focused tasks or activities which relate directly to what is being taught, and which are built upon in school, are likely to be more effective than regular daily home work.



On a Friday your child will be sent home with a weekend challenge.  Please work with your child to complete this fun activity.  WOW moments are for parents to fill in (details will follow) and key sight words to read will also form part of the home learning over the year. Don't forget to visit our reading room daily to select a book for your child to read or for you to share together.The reading room is open before and after school.



Year 1 and 2


The half termly topic sheet grid is given out in Year 1 and 2 at the beginning of a new half term. It is filled with twelve different topic based activities that your child can choose from over the following five weeks. These activities are short focused tasks which relate to what has been taught and being taught in your child’s year group. The activities are designed to be fun and creative. We would encourage you to spend time together  with your child on these activities, letting your child take the lead where at all possible.


The Year 1 and Year 2 children  will also have a weekly spelling investigation linked to the sound of the week that your child is working on. There will also be key words to learn based around common ‘tricky red words’. These are words that children would use in their everyday writing.

Please don't forget to visit our reading room daily to select a book for your child to read or for you to share together at home. The reading room is open before and after school.


 If you are unsure about any of the home learning activities that are sent home please speak with your child's class teacher. We are always happy to help and explain further.

Please click here to read the research based Education Endownment Foundations page on Home Work




Dr. Seuss Quote Print Classroom poster or nursery by SSDdesign: