Year 1
Last year we were very busy in Year 1!
Please follow the link to see all the brilliant learning that we all did over 2014 - 2015 click here.
September 2015
A warm welcome to our fabulous Year 1s! We are so impressed at how settled the children are already and how independent they have become since starting last year in EYFS – how quickly a year goes! We are really excited to begin the Autumn Term and after this first couple of weeks of settling in and transition/getting to know you time, we will begin with our first project, “All Things Bright and Beautiful”, where children will have the opportunity to learn all about the famous artist Andy Goldsworthy, exploring a mix of art and science to create masterpieces for you to buy at our grand sale on Thursday 22nd October! Please don’t forget to come along to our ‘meet the team'.
We really look forward to working alongside you this year.
Year 1 team
Monday 21st September
Today was a very wet day! However it did not put us off going for our scavenger hunt in the forest to look for wonderful natural objects.
October 2015
We are having a marvellous time in Year 1 and really enjoying Let’s Explore this half term. This week we have been learning and investigating more about plants, including planting our own, in the outdoor area. We are going to work very hard to take care of them! We have also been plant detectives and can now identify some leaves and which trees they belong to!
We have been thrilled to see so many children visiting the reading room; please don’t forget the reading room is open before and after school every day. If you’re unsure where it is or would like some more information, advice or support with which colour book to choose for your child, please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher.
Thank you for all your support this half term so far.
Thank you to all those parents who came along to our sale on the last day of term. We hope you have been putting your beautiful new bowl to good use!
November 2015
Year 1 are very excited about this project ‘Nativity,’ as we are planning a masterpiece production for all parents/carers to come and see! Not only are we learning scripts, dances, songs and instruments off by heart but we are also designing and making our very own costumes too!
Our hook to inspire and excite the children takes place this Friday where all the children get to take part in painting the backdrop for the stage set! So, this truly will be a ‘proper’ all-encompassing Nativity production that I am sure you will be proud of.
December 2015
Rehearsals are well underway with what looks like a super performance coming together! If you have not yet returned your form for tickets, then please do this asap. The children are working very hard to learn their lines but please do keep helping them with this at home! We are trying to encourage the children to use their ‘big’ voices! Please remember that the children have designed and made their own costumes, including the back drop for the stage, so the costumes are even more special! We do however need you to bring in their black top and black trousers in named bags as soon as possible please.
Reading Room – thank you to those parents who are going but there are still so many children not attending. We cannot stress enough how important it is that you read with your child and our Reading Room is full of books pitched at your child’s level to help them gain confidence in reading. It’s not too late to start going, so if you need any more advice on this or have any questions, please do ask your class teacher and we’d be delighted to help.
Can’t wait to see you Saturday at the Christmas Fair.
Year 1 team J
January 2016
The Year 1 team are excited for this half term, where the children will be learning all about ‘Amazing Africa’. This project is almost bursting at the seams with the amount of learning that will take place and you too will have the opportunity to experience what the children will be learning at the end of our project with our ‘fab finish’ – dates to follow very soon. We want the children to learn and experience as much as they possibly can about Africa and this will start with our exciting hook – a “flight to Africa” where the children will watch a simulation flight and be served with drinks and nibbles by the Sylvan flight crew (we are good at using our imaginations!).
Year 1 were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Price last half term but are really excited to have our new team member on board – Miss Weekes and already Maple Class have made her feel welcome. Miss Weekes is delighted to be part of Year 1 and remarked positively on how keen the children have been to learn and their enthusiasm and passion for school.
Finally, if your child comes home with handwriting practise, please please help them as much as possible, as we are working really hard to improve our writing presentation across the school.
Our Year 1 children enjoyed their flight today!
February 2016
The first thing that we are excited to share in Year 1 is that we are over the moon with the children’s efforts with their handwriting. We are amazed at the transformation and can already see a huge improvement in their presentation. Not only are we delighted but the children are also with many commenting that they love writing in the new ‘cursive’ style. Thank you so much for all your support with this at home.
We are coming to a close with our Africa Project and are excited to welcome all parents/carers to join the children’s fab finish on Wednesday 10th February at 2.30 pm. Please come through the office and you will be directed from there to your child’s class!
A BIG REQUEST – Please could we have any recyclable materials that you have from home as we would like to use these in our project.
Once again, thank you for all of your on-going support.
Year 1 team
Welcome Back!
Something terrible happened today. The Lorax came into our school hall after lunchtime and left a terrible mess on the floor. There were empty sweet wrappers, chocolate wrappers, crisp packets and lots of other rubbish. The Lorax has asked the children to help him make the right healthy food choices over the coming weeks. All the Year 1 children said that they would be up for the challenge!
March 2016
We are having a fabulous time this project learning all about ourselves! Thank you for bringing photos of the children into school as this really helped put into context the concept of growing and change. This will be extended into looking at our senses – how they are used and what life would be like without one or more of them. If the children haven’t already, they will be learning a ‘senses poem’ in English and will be coming up with their own ideas for a verse that’s personal to them. When they come home with their ‘text maps’, please do encourage them to read their poem to you.
You will have received by now a letter about phonics screening. Please do speak to your class teacher for further information on this. Don’t forget to practise past papers (available online on our website). A reminder of the workshop dates, which we recommend you attend so that you can support your child at home –Thursday 17th March 8.45-9.15 am or 2.30-3.00 pm.