EYFS Starters

Exciting times ahead: Your family is about to become part of the Sylvan family! Whilst we are delighted that your child will be starting their school journey with us, we understand that for you and your child this is a big step, so we have arranged a variety of sessions to make the transition smooth and happy.

Firstly, you are invited to our “Sylvan Seedlings” session – on Friday 7 July 1.30 pm - 2.45 pm.  You and your child will find out who your child’s teacher is and which class they will be in.  You will have the opportunity to meet the whole school team.  Parents stay in the hall for an information session with myself, members of staff and other representatives from the Borough of Poole.  Children will meet their teacher and teaching assistant in a classroom where they will play and take part in activities and have the opportunity to meet some new friends.

Secondly, we hope to be able to meet your child when we visit his/her pre-school.  Our information comes from your application form from autumn 2016.  If your child has changed pre-school since then, please notify us as soon as possible. 

Thirdly, you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher individually at a Meet the Teacher Session.  Please sign up for this session when you attend Sylvan Seedlings on Friday 7 July 2017. The sessions will take place on 12, 13 and 14 July, depending on your child’s class. Should you have any queries or feel that it is necessary to make a private appointment to see me to discuss your own child’s needs, please make an appointment to see me via the school office.

Here is an Emergency Contact Form and Birth Certificate Information Form to complete. The school administration staff will need to see your child’s birth certificate, as this is a legal obligation, prior to starting school.  Please bring in your child’s birth certificate and completed Emergency Contact Form and Birth Certificate Form with you when you attend “Sylvan Seedlings” on Friday 7 July 2017 or before.

We look forward to welcoming your child to Sylvan and watching them blossom and grow.

Yours sincerely

Mr D Walsh – Acting Headteacher

Sylvan Infant School Uniform Prices

Provided by PMG Schoolwear,  85 High Street, Poole

Dorset  BH15 1AH – Tel: 01202 686688

Order on-line at - pmgschoolwear.co.uk





Essential Sweatshirt



Essential Cardigan (sweatshirt material)



Book Bag



White Polo Shirt



White PE T-shirt



Black PE Shorts


No logo

PE Bag (single drawstring



PMG also stock trousers, skirts, gloves, hats, etc., for your convenience.

School uniform is an important part of school life/ethos, ensuring children fit in and feel like a member of the Sylvan community.  The school uniform is as follows:

BOYS:  Dark grey trousers (or shorts in the summer months); white polo shirt; red sweatshirt, sensible black shoes (NO trainers) and white, grey or black socks.

GIRLS: Dark grey skirt/pinafore/trousers; white polo shirt (or red/white checked dress in summer months); red sweatshirt/cardigan; sensible black flat shoes, white, grey or black socks or grey tights.

PE is an essential part of your child’s education therefore, PE kit is also extremely important.  Your child’s PE bag needs to include:- black shorts, white t-shirt, plimsolls or trainers and black jogging bottoms.

Please order by end of July to ensure you have uniform for Sept.