Early Years
The Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. All schools must follow this framework. This document gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education to all children. Development Matters is a document we also use to support our delivery of the EYFS framework.
Please click on this link for the foundations stage profile
Please click on this link for the Development Matters document
To see what we have been doing this year please click here. Below is an overview of what the children are going to be learning about over this next half term. If you have any questions please pop in and see your child's class teacher.
Spring 2 Half Term Overview
This week we received a message from the Superhero Academy HQ looking to recruit some new Superheroes. To pass the initiation and graduate from the academy we must become Super Fit, Super Healthy and Super Helpful!
Stage 1 complete! We have created our Superhero names and designed our logos and costumes ready for the Superhero Graduation day on the 27 March.
We look forward to seeing the Super costumes.
The Story So Far......
The initiation into Superhero Academy has come to an end and today the Super Healthy, Super Helpful and Super Fit superheroes graduated. I was a wonderful day with lots of super poses.
The superheroes have learnt lots on their way from preparing healthy fruit skewers to taking part in an exercise filled week. Wake and Shake for share time was a bit success so thank you for all the grown-ups who came to see their little heroes in training.
We didn’t do it all on our own- we had help from a dentist, a nurse and the RNLI so we were ready to help in a range of situations!
Well done Superheroes, a fantastic topic- you are all now Super Healthy, Super Helpful and Super Fit… now on to your solo missions to help the world!
Summer 1 Half Term Overview
At the beginning of the term there was a big commotion in the garden… A SPACESHIP HAD CRASHED!!!
All that was left was parts from the broken ship, some alien passports and a letter from Flob and Pob who came from Saturn. Our challenge was to learn all about space to help get them back to their home planet safely. We learnt all sorts of things about the planets- did you know Saturn’s ring is made up of pebbles and rocks!?
Flob and Pop told us in their letter about their favourite book- The Dinosaur that pooped a planet… we can see why it was their favourite book- it was amazing! This meant we could also learn all about when the dinosaurs roamed. We loved it so much we learnt the whole story without having to read it. We learnt the story with actions and created a picture story map to help us remember… thank you to all the parents who came to see it in Share Time and for those who missed it a video of one of the performances will be put on for you to enjoy too!
Video coming here........ASAP!
Summer 2 Half Term Overview
There’s a curious commotion at the bottom of the ocean, I think we ought to go and have a look…
EYFS will be diving into the deep this half term and learning all about under the sea and our local beaches. Beach safety, keeping our sea clean, floating and sinking and all the creatures will be our focus! A visit from the Dorset Wildlife Trust will guide us in the right direction for looking after these environments.