Reading Dogs
Caring Canines are a self-funded, non profit making Voluntary Group offering dog assisted therapy within a 15 mile radius of the Bournemouth area. Volunteer members share their much loved dogs with others, visiting anywhere a temperament tested and insured dog would bring comfort and joy to patients, residents, children, staff and visitors alike. .
It is well documented that contact with a dog helps to promote communication , raises self esteem and generally has a therapeutic effect.
Their proven ‘Be Bookwise’ programme is available to children under 12 years of age via their schools, with the benefits of reading to a non-judgemental and sympathetic Book Buddy producing amazing results.
The lucky children who get to read to either Molly, Ruby, Ebby or Alfie just love this special time! During their hour session they read a few books and play games with their adult and their dog. We select the children very carefully to access this different learning experience.
In assembly today our PTFA presented the reading dogs team with some new games and fun activities to share in their session. Thank you PTFA and thank you reading dogs!
March 2015
Thank you to our lovely reading dogs Molly and Ruby who have been helping two of our children with their reading. Today the dogs and their owners came and presented to their children a certificate for working with them over the past term. Thank you again for all your time and help.