Year 2
To see what we have been doing this year please click here. Below is an overview of what the children are going to be learning about over this next half term. If you have any questions please pop in and see your child's class teacher.
Spring 2 Half Term Overview
We are focusing on how to be healthy Superheroes. The children will be learning about how to stay fit and healthy, what to eat and how to look after the environment. We have exciting visitors coming into school to develop their understanding even further. In literacy our writing will be focusing on Superheroes, describing characters and writing stories. Maths will be covering many different areas with a strong focus on times tables and speedy recall of number facts.
We be inviting parents in week beginning 9 March to observe a guided reading session, which we hope will support your child’s reading development at home. Invitations for the appropriate day will be sent out on Monday 2 March. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Story So far........
Year 2 are working hard to get fit and healthy. We have learnt so much about how to look after ourselves, including diet and exercise. We were very lucky to have had a visit from Bournemouth AFC to teach us some football skills and we now know the impact that keeping hit has on our body. The homework has showed us the great work children have been doing at home, so thank you for your ongoing support.
Summer 1 Half Term Overview
Year 2 special visitors....
The children have been busy collecting objects to start creating their habitat boxes. They will be completed over the next few weeks.
Summer 2 Half Term Overview
This term is an exciting one for the year 2’s. We start the term with a wonderful trip to Brownsea Island which the children are very excited about. While there, they will be orienteering, learning about life on an island as well as looking closely at the wonderful habitat that is Brownsea. On our return the children will be learning about the Scouts and trying their hand at some activities to collect badges. They will also be creating an island of their own by learning about geographical features and survival. The Half Term homework has produced some wonderful results that the children have taken great pride in sharing, Thank you.
The Year 2 children had a fantastic time on their trip to Brownsea Island.
What a wonderful part of the world we live in!
My favourite part of our Brownsea trip was when we went orienteering because I have never used a compass before.
My favourite part was when the peacock stole Ethan's sandwich.
It was really funny!
My favourite activity at Brownsea was learning to use a compass because if I get lost I know how to use a compass. It is also a skill for life.
I loved learning about Baden Powell