At Sylvan Infant School we are proud of all the inclusion work that we undertake everyday with our children. Our aim is to identify and support those children who are struggling with their learning as early as possible. Research shows that the earlier a child’s learning difficulty is identified and addressed the quicker the child will make progress in their learning. We understand that every child is an individual and how one child learns could be very different to how another child learns. With this information in the forefront of our minds we strive to get the best possible progress from all our children on a daily basis.
Our inclusion work is overseen by Mrs Steele, Deputy Head of School. We have a skilled and effective team of dedicated practitioners who work closely together to plan and deliver interventions that have been proven to have an impact on children’s learning. The effective delivery of an intervention will result in a child making good progress to be able to ‘catch up’ to the level of progress expected at their age.
‘Special activities to support pupils at risk of falling behind help them catch up well with their peers. The activities to improve the poor concentration levels of some pupils are excellent.’ Ofsted Dec 2013
‘Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs make good progress, with more now reaching expected levels, especially in writing and mathematics.’ Ofsted Dec 2013
Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. If your child has a medical need this is not necessarily a special need. If the medical need is significant then an individual health care plan will be written together with our school nurse.
The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014 gives guidance to schools on how best to support children with special needs. It sets out the processes and procedures that schools should follow to meet their needs. The help should be made by a step-by-step or by a ’graduated approach’ - assess, plan, do review.
New Code of Practice 2014 Waves of Intervention
Wave 1
Inclusive quality first teaching for all
This is how the school and curriculum are adapted to meet our children’s needs everyday through quality first teaching for all pupils, including those with special needs. Adapting the curriculum, environment and building to meet all our children’s needs is an essential part in our approach to inclusion
Wave 2
School Targeted Intervention
The school has identified that your child would benefit from some additional support on top of their normal lessons because s/he is not making the expected level of progress. This would normally be in a small group in the afternoon.
Wave 3
Intensive, individualised Intervention
Outside agencies such as Speech and Language therapy and the Educational Psychologist have been requested to work with your child as progress is significantly slower than other children of the same age. This is a more personalised and intensive delivery of intervention.
If a child is identified as needing extra support then parents will be invited into school to meet with the class teacher. Together a structured conversation will be had and targeted support/interventions will be discussed using our school provision map.
We have four provision maps providing for four main areas of need, Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social Emotional and Mental health difficulties and Sensory or Physical needs. The intervention suggested will happen for a set number of weeks and at the end of the set time parents are invited back into school to discuss progress made and the next steps.
School Information Report
As in line with the new Code of Practice 2014 regulations, please click on the link to read our school information report. This will give you further detailed information on how we provide for children who have additional needs. A paper copy can be obtained from Mrs Steele via the school office.
Local Offer
As part of the Government's reforms around Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability, local authorities are required to publish a Local Offer showing the support available to disabled children and young people and those with SEN and their families/carers.
The information available explains all the services available across education, health and social care for families of children with Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability.