Year 1
To see what we have been doing this year please click here. Below is an overview of what the children are going to be learning about over this next half term. If you have any questions please pop in and see your child's class teacher.
Spring 2 Half Term Overview
We will be super busy this half term learning all about our ‘super senses’! Across the half term we will be transforming into healthy Superheroes with a Super Pet Mascot!
We have also been fortunate enough to have Arsenal Soccer School come in and work with each year group to develop and promote their balance, agility and co-ordination through football skills and games. The children have had a ball and met some real life sports hero's!
The story so far........
The children have all enjoyed being Superheroes in Year 1. They have created their very own Superhero and have written stories based around their character and from their own imagination. This has increased their understanding of story structures - beginnings, middles and ends. We have now become experts in keeping healthy and fit and can identify and name all parts of our amazing bodies. Not only have we been learning about ourselves, as humans, but we are now experts in classifying animals too! We are looking forward to finishing with a superhero party!
We would be keen for all children to come in on the last day of school dressed as a superhero (if you do not have a superhero costume, then please feel free to be creative). Your teacher can provide you with superhero masks made out of card for your children to decorate if they would like to.
Summer 1 Half Term Overview
Where did that half term go! We can't believe that our Summer 1 term has come to an end! We have all had lots of fun in year 1. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what we have been doing.
Summer 2 Half Term Overview
Land Ahoy!
During this next half term Year1 will be going on a trip to the Waterfront Museum where they will learn about the history of Poole’s local pirate Harry Paye. The children will dress as pirates for this day and also take part in other fun pirate activities. Talk for Writing will be based around pirate stories and poetry and will involve writing and dramatisation on related activities. During this project, the children will learn about maps and be able to locate where they live. Science will encompass seasonal changes and their impact. The children will experiment with floating and sinking when designing a pirate raft! We will cover addition and subtraction using our number bonds to 10 and 20 to count our treasure as well as measurements to make our treasure maps! We will also learn how to safely make healthy snacks for our pirate journeys and practice our gymnastic moves so we stay superfit. Yo-ho-ho!
Year 1 Pirate Trip
Our Year 1 children all had a fantastic time on their trip.
Our topic ‘Ahoy There!’ began with all the children, dressed as pirates, visiting the Waterfront Museum. Whilst there, they found out about our local Poole pirate Harry Paye and experienced life on board a pirate ship-they made amazing pirate crews! Our role play areas were transformed into pirate galleons and involved a lot of swashbuckling! Making wanted posters to catch nasty pirates and our own pirate rafts were also popular activities amongst the crew.
When faced with unforeseen floods two weeks ago the Year 1 crew dealt with it like true pirates; setting sail with a smile on their faces to the Year 2 classrooms slightly earlier than planned!
As the year draws to an end we are sad to see our Year 1 pirates leave us but excited for their new adventures. We are so proud of their hard work throughout the year and wish them lots of luck for their Year 2 journeys.