We are very excited that the government has announced it is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to school head teachers. The money must be used to improve the provision of P.E. and school sport.
For further details of the PE and sports premium for schools please click here
Schools could use the money to:
- Hire specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers during PE lessons
- Support and involve the least active children by running after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs
- Provide resources and training courses in PE and sport for teachers
- Run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation in the School Games, a national programme that encourages young people to take part in more competitive sport
- Run sports activities with other schools
How is the Funding worked out?
DfE guidance on the PE and sport grant for the academic year 2013/2014 explains that allocations were based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6 and those aged five in reception, as recorded in the January 2013 school census.
Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils received £8,000 plus £5 per eligible pupil.
In planning the allocation of this grant Sylvan Infant school has consulted the following Ofsted documents:
“Beyond 2012 – outstanding physical education for all.”
“Inspecting primary school PE and school sport: new funding.”
The table below illustrates the ways in which this funding is allocated at Sylvan Infant School.
Ofsted guidance/suggestion |
Action taken |
Impact |
Procure quality-assured professional training for staff to raise their confidence and competence in teaching PE and sport. |
In partnership with active Dorset staff training sessions were implemented including modelled PE sessions with each year group |
Teachers feel more confident in teaching gymnastics and have key skills for all abilities including gifted and talented. |
Procure quality-assured professional training for staff to raise their confidence and competence in teaching PE and sport. |
In partnership with active Dorset, dance workshops were implemented for staff including modelled PE sessions for each year group. |
Teachers feel more confident and have planned a focus on dance during arts week and during the worldwide project. |
Children to master basic movements using balance, agility and co ordination |
HLTA given specific training to develop Agility, balance and co ordination. This will be taught through a dedicated scheme of work and lesson plans recommended by Active Dorset. |
Ensure children are being taught the basic skills to apply into sporting situations by trained members of staff. |
Engage in a broad range of physical activities. |
Setting up a range of extra-curricular sessions using specialist coaches. |
Targeted action to ensure more children will be able to access different activities. |
Engage in competitive sports and activities |
Inter class competition using a specialised coach to teach key skills and then play class against class in year group during health week. Set up a meeting with local infant schools to work together to offer specialised coaching and inter school competition. |
Children will be excited and motivated to participate in sports with a more competitive nature within a safe environment. |
Engage in a broad range of physical activity. |
New equipment ordered to encourage other physical activity and sports. |
More variety of activities offered to all children to broaden their experience of sporting activities. |
Our lovely Miss Edmonds oversees all our PE work. If you require any further information on any of the above please contact the school office to arrange a convenient time to speak with Miss Edmonds.